in motion.

*Uw UP TO 0.73 W/m2K
*UP TO A 34 dB
*on window 1 door with triple glass Ug=0,7
Lift and slide
The HS-magis40 is the lift slide that completes the minimal line of magis40 and is unique in its kind, produced with Uni_one Technology. As for its namesake hinged, the HS-magis40 – Produced with: uni_one Technology Kit Uniform, allows you to create a window with only 40mm of the visible section of the door and with concealed frame rasomuro.
Uw=1,3 W/m²K with double glass
Uw=0,85 W/m²K with triple glass

1. legno lamellare
2. finitura in tranciato di rovere
3. profilo per rasomuro
4. soglia a pavimento in vetroresina
5. vetro fisso inserito a scomparsa nel telaio
6. telai esterni in alluminio

DK Zero.
for HS-magis40
The handle HS-magis40 DK Zero, the result of the partnership between Colombo Design and uni_one technology, is an innovative product, with high technical and aesthetic performance, where the almost total absence of encumbrance of the rosette further enhances the design of the slide. The handle, operated by a micro-movement, maintains unchanged the functional characteristics and use.
Colori Icona.
L’integrazione fra strati di carta decorativa, resina melaminica/acrilica e TNT (tessuto non tessuto), pressati fra loro rendendoli inseparabili, ricreano le tipiche venature del legno e donano un effetto materico facile da pulire. Il risultato è una finitura ecologica, priva di PVC e formaldeide, ma che al contempo acquisisce proprietà antigraffio, antimuffa, antimacchia e resistenza ai raggi ultravioletti.
Colori Natura.
Tranciato di Noce Tanganica.
Tranciato di rovere.

lift slide.

The view enjoys
the design.
Aluminum wood slides are the answer to those who love beauty and harmony of form and to those who are attentive to energy saving and thermal insulation. They combine the charm and warmth of wood, the resistance of aluminum, high performance and innovation. The external aluminium profiles of both the frame and the door are coplanar, that is, they are characterized by the flat surface that allows them to be used in residential environments where designer windows and doors are preferred.